Native Camp Online American Sign Language Lessons



Coin Refund for Booked Lesson

We guarantee any unsatisfied Booked Lesson


If you are not satisfied with the booked lesson, you can use 'Coin Refund for Booked Lesson' to get a refund on the booked coins you used.

How to apply

If you are not satisfied with your Booked lesson, please contact Native Camp Customer Support Center with the following information:

After confirming the content of the application, we will return the coins used for the booking to the coin receiving box.

<Cases when the coin refund for Booked Lesson cannot be applied>

In the following cases, you cannot use the Coin Refund for Booked Lesson.

・If we cannot confirm that there is a problem with the tutor's network line

・If the member's lateness, absence, or failure to cancel is not the responsibility of the tutor.

・If the lesson extends beyond 20 minutes.

If you have line trouble, please describe the situation in detail and contact the Native Camp Customer Support Center.

We will investigate based on the information received from the member and will only refund the coin if we can confirm that the problem lies on our side.

In addition, we will investigate ① to ③ below to determine if there is an issue on the tutor's side and ascertain whether the coins can be refunded.

①Presence or absence of communication failures in other lessons during the same time period.

②Presence or absence of communication failures in previous and subsequent lessons by the same tutor.

③Whether or not the lesson was conducted under our recommended environment.

■Application content

[Request: Coin Refund for Booked Lesson]

  • Lesson ID: ○○○○○○○○
  • Lesson Date: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Tutor Name:
  • Reason for dissatisfaction:

■Important Point

  • Please be sure to log in when making an inquiry.
  • Support Center staff may contact the member regarding the return of coins.
  • Please note that this system may be changed or terminated without notice.

Native Camp Customer Support Center

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